Saturday, September 17, 2011


wait. remember in the last post i mentioned a "lost post"? well i found it! here it is:

yesterday i pulled my biggest number of views in one day: 37!!! wow i've never gotten that much in one day EVER. so that explains the title :) anyway moving on i got an A for this essay i wrote on...i think it was on Monday? anyway i got an A and i really couldn't care less. the title was dumb, my writing was dumb and i wish we'd just write narratives all day. anyway moving on from all the agro-ness (is that even a word?) i wish to rant -again- how much i hate a certain mainstream singer with the initials J.B. sorry but i can't help it and i PROMISE this will be short:

Frank Iero played guitar for a whole concert with an oxygen mask on. imagine what could've happened if by chance the mask fell off. dunno why he had to wear the mask but if the consequences were lethal...
respect level: 92% (-8% because of the stupidity and risk)

 J.B (refuse to type his name) broke his toe and cancelled the WHOLE concert. think of all the pissed-off mums who were FORCED to buy the tickets because of their fan-girl daughters.
respect level 1% (because that is an easy way to make money. -99% because of the rip off )

so anyway moving on from the ranting (the "lost post" ended at the word "off")
1. none of my friends are online in MSN (AKA Hotmail)
2. i'm currently listening to "straight to video" by Mindless Self Indulgence and that song is just so catchy! it's stuck in my head whenever i have a bad day :D the best but can sometimes get annoying.
anyway if you haven't heard the song Straight To Video, search it but don't watch the vid if you're touchy on censoring. some might find parts of it overrated. no there's no nudity but still. some might find parts overrated. so far i've made 5 paragraphs and no progress at all :D you know how i mentioned that i walk my neighbour's dog for her because she's old? well normally i go with my sis and dad and my dad used to hate that dog but now he loves it. he even has a little nickname for it: "Little Stupid" lol. anyway today i had to go with just my mum because dad and Hectic (her nickname BTW) were busy and i can't really say my mum has the same fondness towards the dog as my dad does :| i tried getting her to pet the damn thing but she wouldn't do it. anyway i think this post has gone on long enough...hold on lemme see the preview...yup it has. bye!
what the hell. here's Straight To Video by MSI (- the video): Straight To Video hope it works!

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