Wednesday, September 14, 2011

i made myself promise i'd post today...

yeah so as you can see from the title, i made myself a promise i'd publish something today. wow before i came on blogger my mind was racing with ideas and now it's all gone blank. it's so annoying because you know you have an idea, it's there and suddenly it just goes up to the sky like dust or something. -__- damn i think my new class is making me change the way i'm talking. not in terms of accent or whatever (no Luma, i'm NOT gonna practise the accent) but more like speech. about a month ago i probably never would've said (or typed) it just goes up to the sky like dust. a little too fancy for me. i don't know why but twice in a row i've accidentally pressed "F12" and this thing pops up and it freezes the whole computer for a few seconds. A-NOY-ING. you know a few days ago i was walking my neighbour's dog for her (she's an old lady so she can't walk the dog herself) and i saw this dead bird and for some reason i just did that sign of the cross thing which is kinda weird for me to do because i'm not a huge religious-freak. anyway because i have nothing better to do except go listen to something off the bullets album.  if i fall if i fall...down sorry i couldn't help it! that's one of the lines from the song i'm listening to by the way. anyway a few weeks ago me and my friend were doing gardening (because the teacher said so and at that point ANYTHING was better than work) and we found out that both of us like MCR and we were just shovelling dirt into a bucket singing the song teenagers and this old guy passed when we were singing the scares the shit outta me part XD you should seen the look on that guy's face :) old guy's confusion: priceless anyway because i have nothing else to say i've got nothing to lose you've got nothing to say dammit sorry i can't help but quote from songs i know but anyway i got nothing else worth mentioning and so i leave you here: BYE!!!


  1. Hi Scarecrow Heat, thanks for dropping by my site and leaving such an awesome comment, dig your blog!

  2. kool!!!! shirley marr!!! (not that i really know who she is) wait she's the author of ur fav book right? i checked out her blog but forgot to follow (ill do that when i remember) kool... anyway u like 5H or 5L betta?
