Tuesday, September 20, 2011


wait i just found another post that was a draft! please enjoy 2 posts in one day!

i'm just listening to this one song you'll rebel to anything (click here for the song) and the singer (Jimmy Urine i think) is like sdbfakjfnjknfj and i'm like WHAT? SLOW DOWN!!! (turns out he's saying you're telling me that 50 million screaming fans are never wrong i'm telling you that 50 million screaming fans are F***ing morons!)  hahaha most of the time i can understand what people are saying dongs but this one is too fast and kinda quiet. two things that stop me. if it's quiet i can understand it and if it's fast and clear i can understand it but both? no way! anyway the song is by that band i said in my last post Mindless Self Indulgence and i only just discovered them. i've known of their existence for about 6 months+ but i've only just recently heard some of their songs. anyway moving on, i'm chatting to my friend Jake and right now i really wanna kill her homework because she had to go offline because she had to study -__- dammit i really wanna just bite off my nails but apparently that's considered the following:
  • gross
  • UN-ladylike 
  • weird
  • stupid 
  • littering (when you drop the nail)
so i've just given a list of why i had to go cut it with an actual nail-cutter. anyway right now i'm listening to the sharpest lives and i dunno why but even though the song was never made into a single, i feel like i've heard it before. and again i'm biting my finger-nails -__- i hate that. it's a habit and considered a bad one apparently. well i'm outta ideas and so i gotta run. bye!!! 

1 comment:

  1. EEEEW fingernail biting is gross dude!
    here are some reasons
    you are basically eating all the germs from ur nails (i can tell u now there are a lot more germs than you think)
    it makes ur nails look horrible
    there is slobber (saliva) all over ur nails
    it is very unhygienic
    peeps won't wanna be around u (cuz they think it's creepy)
    lots of othas
    yeah i did tell milla. she ddin't know what a blog was so i sorta told her and then said GG U and I have blogs and i told her.... so don't rlly blame me
