Monday, October 24, 2011

just somethin' to show that i'm not dead yet

hey you know the title could be a cool song lyric:

i lost you in the dark, stumbling when i fell and you thought i was gone. i saw the light and fought it but this is just somethin' to show you that i'm not dead yet.

yeah sometimes i just stop and think of how many people hate me...hahaha ironic how they're ALL my friends. nah they don't really hate me it's just that i always annoy them with the truth. sorry about the creepy lyrics by the way. it's just something that came to my always. i almost never come up with little song lyrics if i actually try, they just come when i think something's cool. so anyway moving on, i remember once me and my friend *cough-Tre-cough* were having an argument about how she calls herself an MCR fan but the only thing she knows is the song Planetary (GO!), the fact that the singer has a brother and that's about it. oh wait and that the singer's 1st name is Gerard. NOW that's about it. so anyway we were arguing and she said "well YOU didn't know about them 'till last year." 1, like that's a valid argument; i know anything and everything about my fav bands. 2, the first time i EVER heard an MCR song, i was 4 years old. yeah, i recall listening to "Helena" in the car, sitting in that seat little kids sit in when they're not old enough to sit in a proper car seat. then there was the black parade. i heard it a few times - again in the car - and i often fell asleep to it. Tre was half right: i listened to their music as a little kid but only fully became aware of their other music last year. so anyway i might end it here for simplicity's sake.

PS oh crap i forgot to mention i have a new follower ^_^" sorry but anyway the new follower's name is "Greendayisawesome" so...welcome to the circle! hope you find this blog cool. 


  1. the lyrics aren't creepy, well they are but i like them!

  2. yeah sure you review stuff!thanks for asking!

  3. no problem thanks hey if you ever need anything just ask bro!

  4. my friend has meet short stack in person and still talks to them. he meet them at a meet and great.

  5. don't worry bout it i don't its stalkery.
    Put hey i do have a google account but i don't know what you mean by follow?
