Wednesday, February 22, 2012

All alone he's holding his breath half to death [...] terrified of what's inside to save his life -The Used

sorry Cassidy i kinda stole your thing there for a sec ^_^" won't happen again ok?

anyway today has been a slightly crap day. my friends were being jackasses again over how to pronounce this one word and it resulted in me getting so stressed out that i cried in class and punched the (brick) walls so hard i cut up my knuckles and bruised my hands. it sucks. plus my nightmares have been getting even worse and i can't sleep. i'll see if i can take a day off tomorrow. i'm good at faking it :D so anyway last night i had this nightmare where i was running home from school (which is weird cuz my mum picks me up) and i ran into my apartment but it was the inside of somebody else's house. i was running to what i thought was my room and i passed this one room and guess who i saw sitting there looking sick to the point of disease and to the point of being hospitalised? Archie. YES I SAW ARCHIE DYING IN FRONT OF MY EYES. that probably shocked some of my friends reading this...if you don't know who he is, (or i haven't mentioned him) he was a really good friend of mine that left my school 2 years ago. i see him quite a bit with the most recent being 2 days ago. i was practically screaming at him to go to a doctor (this is back in the dream) and i tried flicking his head because that always used to piss him off so much i'd end up running away from him but my hand went straight through his head. thinking back, that was hilarious but in the dream it was absolutely TERRIFYING. 

i kinda forgot the rest

anyway the song "Pretty Handsome Awkward" had been running through my head and i can't help but thinking that the song is SO Conor's theme when he does his *ahem* "manly" strut. no kidding it's his theme song.

anyway, for some reason i've been listening to a whole heap of music from The Used for about 3 days now and it's mainly stuff from their old albums like In love and Death or The Used. their newer stuff is extremely kick-ass as well but for some reason i wanna hear the old stuff from around 8 years ago...honestly the new album that coming out in March (i think) sounds pretty cool as well. It's gonna be called Vulnerable which sounds awesome and i really hope it has a similar sound to Artwork. (2009 album) that'd be awesome-er. so anyway yesterday i was singing the chorus to Cut Up Angels and my friend Tre was like "ewwww Renee, why do you listen to slit your wrist songs? P!nk never sings about stuff like that!" excuse me? if i recall correctly, P!nk's video for F___ing Perfect had a girl sit in a bathtub and cut herself until the word Perfect was carved into her skin. yessss Tre P!ink NEVER does stuff like THAT. pfft... anyway i don't see what's bad about the chorus. listen to it yourself and tell me what you think:
yeah ok i'm done for the day. bye! 


  1. heya!
    good to talk to you again. i would say your sounding well. but the nightmare thing and not sleeping stops me soo yer. but i have so much posts to read its unbelievable!

  2. ahhhh i love that song!!! i was listening to Artwork yesterday, 'cause i've never heard the whole thing before, and i'm like OMG IT'S AMAZING!!! hahaha XD
