Wednesday, June 20, 2012

first world problems are pathetic so suck it up princess


sorry, i had to say that. before i really get into posting this post, there's been this ad for Hungry Jack's flame grilled burger going around and it's HILARIOUS. basically, there's this punk girl who's just stopped band practise to eat a burger and the more she eats it, the more girly-er she looks. in the end the guitarist is like "AH!" and she looks in a mirror and she's wearing a blue summer dress and she screams her head off. 
damn the stupid thumbnails....

my god, i'm so thirsty. gimme a quick water break. still thirsty, even though i already had a drink. interesting...MUST INVESTIGATE LATER. also, a lot of people in my class think that the little bits of poetry i write are depressing. INTERESTING!!!!!'s around 20 past 9 at night and i'm continuing this from yesterday....and quite frankly, i'm getting sick of my imaginary friend trying to talk to me while i'm falling asleep. it's too annoying. so i drown him out with music :) BUT i left my mp3 in the car and i had a chance to get it out an hour ago but....i didn't so now i need  to try and mentally block out that voice...nah can't be bothered. i'll just say hi to him. lately, my teacher has been wanting our class to enter this poetry competition and i sit next to this girl who thinks she's some sorta poetry-god because she entered a poetry competition and  got mentioned in a poetry book full of poems written by people that beat her in the competition. ~sigh~ people these days....and when the substitute library teacher said we could choose to write a report about any poetry/songwriter guy (i chose Amy Lee from Evanescence) the girl was like "oh i'm gonna write about me because i was mentioned in a book." society. corrupt. 'nuff said.

also, on a completely un-related note, the substitute library teacher is AWESOME. even though he's probably in his late 40s - early 50s, you can say anything to the guy and a conversation is launched. not the forced kind between a student and teacher but a REAL conversation. me and him once had a really long conversation about Green Day and the urban legends surrounding McDonalds. like the rumour that they use pig fat to make their milkshakes and soft-serves. anyway. it's late. i need to go. it's late and i think i'm falling asleep a little. farewell, my readers.


1 comment:

  1. LOL THAT AD IS HILARIOUS! :D no... your poetry is not depressing... YOUR POEMS ARE AWESOME :) better than anything i could ever do... tee hee... your imaginary friend... couldn't POSSIBLY be worse than my sister. she woke me up with her snoring -_- which girl would that be... hmm... lemme guess... the one that thinks she's so awesome because her initials are A.C.T? or the one that thinks she so awesome because she has the initial A.B.C ? which one..? i really wouldn't be surprised if it was daniel s. but then again he's not a girl... yeah.. sad that the old librarians back. i dun like her...
    in case i didn't say this already krsiten had french this morning and she came late and her teacher said Bonjour! and my sister thought that one of her friends said it so she said "hey dude!" and her teacher was like O.O
