Sunday, August 19, 2012

...lawd what exactly was the big deal?

so in the news (if you watch/read/read online) there's been all this talk about 3 members of that Russian punk girl-band Pussy Riot being imprisoned for 2 years for protesting against president Putin. it was a kinda harsh sentence for them because it was just a protest. even if it was in a church, it's not like they burnt anything "sacred" or anything. free them, i say. it was just singing and if it's wrong to sing in a church, then why aren't there like, 100,000 other people being sentenced to 2 years imprisonment? 

anyhow, I'm really getting into music by that dude Pluto Jonze because he does quite a few genres. not just 1. Plastic Bag In A Hurricane is sorta like pop-rockish but not in a bad way...Stars To Your Feet is like slow jazz and something else but i can't really describe it...but all in all, it's good music. yesterday i learnt the song Attack in my guitar lessons but my sister keeps complaining that she can hear it when i crack my neck (it's a habit) so when my teacher wasn't looking i cracked my neck as fast/loud as i could and he heard.....priceless facial reaction :) oh well, mental reminder: don't crack neck in quiet places because people can hear. after that, i went to grab a hot dog at the market a few meters from the music shop and just prayed like crazy that i wouldn't get sick. i got queasy but i didn't really feel that sick which was a good thing. (Luma, i can hear you calling me an idiot so dun bother commenting on it.) there's a market in this clearing close to the music shop where i take my lessons once or twice a month which is good because afterwards when I'm done i can just look at all the pretty things they sell there. yesterday there was this stall selling these African finger-pianos and African drums which was really cool...and i wonder why i don't get many page views -_-

oh well. for no apparent reason, i decided to get my costume for that Stan Lee presentation yesterday. what i had in mind was to wear one of my sister's white blouse and black pants with a black jacket, but i needed the jacket because i didn't have one that looked like what i needed which absolutely sucked. i ended up getting this black raincoat/jacket for only $5 at Vinnies (aka Saint Vincent De Paul's but everyone just calls it Vinnies in Aus) which was actually a good deal because it's in pretty good shape and it fits perfectly. it doesn't even look like a raincoat but you know, this means that i won't just wear it once and chuck it in the bin :) i hate wasting stuff. i really do. i don't understand how some people just shove everything into the bin when they're done with it. it's such a huge thirsty. need milk. me back :D 

yesterday Luma brought to my attention that they were gonna make Angry Birds piggies in the design of Green Day which is actually really cool. i wonder what they're gonna look like because when you think about it, it could be really hard to make AB piggies to look like people. eesh....i forgot i have homework due for tomorrow that i need to put the finishing touches on. oh well. g'bye all.

~your humble neighbourhood Mountain Goat~ 

1 comment:

  1. Green Day Angry Birds???? Oh lord that is too funny!!! XD
