Thursday, August 16, 2012


ok, good things first: GREEN DAY RELEASED THE MUSIC VIDEO TO OH LOVE!!!! yay!!!! not really the greatest thing they could've done for a clip but hey, there's a clip isn't there? me being positive today. i don't have lots of homework which means a bit more blogging time if i type quick, but i have a headache so i keep making annoying mistakes and i need to keep back-spacing stuff. gonna grab my glasses. they might make things a bit better. yup they do. i should wear them more often.

so there's gonna be this big performance at a fancy theatre place with my school band, string group and the choir i'm in. i've been kinda pumped about it since i heard about it but then i realised we were gonna have to sing Firework by Katy Perry....dammit. me no like that song. it's not really outta my vocal range or anything but SOMEBODY GET ME OUT OF HERE. why am i quoting Green Day song lyrics? doesn't matter. this post was lacking direction anyway.

so tomorrow we have dance. phoey, it's compulsory for the whole school. so yeah. it's alright-ish but i guess it's awkward when you get paired up with a guy you barely even know. i think i might need to go to sleep soon. my head is threatening to implode in on itself if i don't get more panadol or sleep soon. sorry for the short post but yeah....gonna upload a drawing i did of a freakish person that isn't a zombie yet has a craving to eat human flesh sometime soon so look forward to it.

my font makes my posts look huge sometimes....

1 comment:

  1. lol, yeah your font does make stuff hugee..... sad.. cuz like, blogger dun have my favourite font.. :( (Century Gothic) and aaaanyway yup totally agree with you footsteps (dancing) is GAY.
