Sunday, October 21, 2012


INK was something spray painted on a wall around a kilometre away from my place. pwetty colours used on it though :D

i feel the need to rant a bit....maybe get it all out of my system.

lately, my dad's been comparing my intellectually to my friends who got into good schools and study hard and etc. he wants me to become a doctor and keeps telling me all about the money i'll get, and how with a  medical degree i won't ever have to "knock on any doors for work" and also that "the money will come to you, you won't have to go looking for money." i guess, you know, most people would be all happy that their dad has such faith in their smart-ness but here comes the part that really pisses me off; i have 4 sisters and the oldest was studying to become a doctor. she stopped, got married and has a kid now BUT, when she was studying, dad went and told alllllllllllllll the people in his workplace that he has a daughter that's a doctor. basically he was being real boastful and cocky and sorta arrogant and everyone believed him when he said he had a doctor-daughter. now, because she isn't a doctor, dad is embarrassed to admit that he does not, in fact, have a daughter that is a doctor. to sum it up, dad's using me to save his reputation. it really pisses me the fuck off because seriously, when i was just a little kid dad was already putting these ideas in my head and i said "yeah, i wanna be a doctor" but then mum told me everything because i guess she didn't wanna see me used just to save some dumb reputation. i really am thankful she told me but i just feel really angry because dad doesn't know that i know that he wants me to save his image so he STILL goes on about the doctor thing. when you think about it, it was the dumbest thing he could do to say straight up that his daughter was a doctor because at the time, my sis was only STUDYING medicine. she hadn't gotten her degree yet. so please bear with me when i say that i am pissed. i'm sure you'd understand if something similar happened to you. what i really wanna do is improve my singing and guitar, join/start a band and just see if we can get a label signed onto us. obviously if we don't get signed i'll need to get a job but i don't care what my job is or what anyone thinks just so long as i'm happy with my life. i know that sounds kinda cliché but it's true... 

ok, ranting's over, you can stop reading now if you want to. 

rawlgh....haven't written a new chapter in ages even though i pretty much have the next 10 chapters planned out in my head. no time sir, no time at all. on top of that i've had a really bad case of food poisoning from something i ate, dunno what it is but i haven't been able to eat much solid food lately. just toast, tea and soup but that's ok since i like all 3 of them :) 
there's this dance thingy at the end of the year and there's always a theme to it. last year it was "The Bush" and the year before that it was "Hollywood." in other words, crap themes. this year was no exception since the theme this year is Mexico. i really don't mean to sound racist since descendants of my family come from Mexico but come on....can't the kids decide the themes? anyway i think i might just paint my face like a skeleton, wear a long sleeved black blouse (kinda like the type you wear at school) and my black pants....kinda like Gerard Way during the revenge era :D if you don't understand how that's Mexican, there's this thing called "Day Of The Dead" so yeah. research it if you still don't get it.

on a side note i suddenly decided to tab out the song I Am Going To Kill The President Of The United States Of America by LeATHERMOUTH on guitar....sounds pretty good in standard. that is, if you consider that the song is probably tuned down to C or something.

not to long ago, we (as in, mum dad me and my sister Ace) were around Leichhardt which is an Italian area and we stumbled across this plaza that looked like something straight out of a travel guide. it was really pretty and authentic-looking. the unit-apartments were either yellow or red and they looked like this:

gah....that picture does it no justice at all, but i think you all get the point

anyway my half brother Jackson lives not too far away from there with his mum (my godmother) and i really wanted to go visit them. i haven't really seen them in what feels like ages and i kinda missed Jackson (since for some reason our sibling happiness is built on food, annoying each other, talking about random shit, laughter and hugs) so we dropped by hi say hello and just hoped like hell they were home (or at least i did.) anyway they weren't and i got sad but dad seemed pretty happy that they weren't there because

  1. he doesn't like HATES their dog, even though she's the most polite, well trained little King Charles spaniel.
  2. he doesn't really like talking to Jackson's mum Annie.
  3. believes that every spot except the kitchen and bathroom is dirty with dog and cat hair or something.
  4. he's never said it but i'm almost certain he thinks that Jack is skinny and lazy. 
anyway that made me angry and i've barely said more than 20 words to anyone since getting home. (which was an hour and 40 minutes ago.) rawlgrh....i am really edgy right about now. might as well listen to Green Day to calm me down. when Luma was in Honk Kong she bought me UNO! as a souvenir which was so awesome of her to do :) oh and i found out today that one of the songs from Green Day's upcoming album TRE! is gonna be used in the last Twilight movie. i really can't be bothered to find out which movie based on the fact that i hate twilight and i lost count of how many crap movies there are...

on an absolute final note, i really wanna get this tattooed on my chest when i'm older :D it looks so awesome...
and if not on my chest on the side of my neck or on my right hand. i wanna get Pacman tattooed on my left hand.


to all the people who like creepy stuff, click on this link dholl on deviantART

that is all.
XO - Mountain Goat. 

1 comment:

  1. pfff, believe me, dad's and mum's can be annoying at times. and who cared if you dun wanna be a doctor? there are still many great job opportunities for you and most of them will be MUCH more fun than being a doctor.. :D yeaahh, starting a band would be pretty cool (for you, not for me)
    heyyy, but wouldnt the teachers change the theme if they all heard us talking about it? i mean they'd be like "the kids know what the theme is.. its meant to be a surprise so let's change it" so we needa talk about it as much as we can :D
    anyways i'll go dress up as a taco if we do have a mexican theme :D yumyum.. tacos.. :D
    i think it's just my stupid laptop but.. i cant see the picture.. :(
    your dad doesnt seem to be very friendly.. i mean.. arent you meant to be nice to your godmother and blahblahbla?
    lol, yeahhh the CD is pretty cool. anyways you wanna get that tattoo on your CHEST?! really? who's gonna be able to see it on your chest anyway?
    lol byebye :D
