Friday, November 23, 2012

chapter 4 part 1 and 2

this chapter is kinda like a joint chapter between BB and Prescription and....i think the end of BB's POV got a little dramatic but i can't really be bothered to change it. too much to rub out and too much of C5 on the reverse side to tear out. it's weird because my notebook's kinda been gathering dust under my bed for the past....week and a half. i left it there so no-one would find it and read it but it kinda backfired because i haven't written anything for 2 weeks. because i forgot it was even there so.......enjoy? i dunno but i should be writing more often. 

I couldn't help it. While Cake and Andy were checking the back room to see whether the woman and kid were alright, i thought back to 3 years ago. I didn't - and still don't - know what drove Cake to do it, but at that moment i wasn't a 12 year old zombie in a tattoo parlour, i was a 9 year old girl coming home to her brother's place and finding him bleeding to death on the ground.
I refused to believe it at first, but even then a part of me knew it was a suicide attempt. 

The doctors say it's a miracle he survived. 

I can't even to begin to explain what life without cake would be like. No Andy, no BB, not even the twins, my best friends. They didn't even let me see him in hospital at first which made the final reality of seeing him on life support even worse. 


It was more than even worse. It was pure hell. 
But it's not gonna happen ever again. Ever. 

I looked over to BB who was sitting on the chair at the front desk, which had, amazingly, gotten not one spot of blood on it. Until he sat on it anyway. I crawled onto his lap and head-butted his chest lightly. Zombie affection at its "Finest." "I don't mean for those bad memories and demons to come back and haunt you" he told me, "but it was self defence." 
I understood what he meant.
The bodies.....the blood, it didn't take a genius to piece it together. 
"Why were they after you?" i asked. It was weird, human police officers showing here, and trying to arrest him on the grounds of what? BB's never done anything wrong or illegal. Not by human laws anyway.
" know, i think my boss may be a drug dealer," he replied with a smile. 
i couldn't believe it, but at the same time i was kinda expecting that. BB's boss Brian looked stoned 24/7. "Wow." i mumbled. "Yeah, i know, and you know what?" he asked, with a slight lopsided smile to his face. "Mmm?" i said. "Technically speaking, Brian isn't supposed to be hiring people for his tattoo business. I'm not registered as an employee so when the cops got a tip off about the drugs, they came here thinking it was him running this joint." "Pardon the pun," i added. Grinning. 

Suddenly he wrapped his arms around me and bear hugged me as tight as he could. "mmmmhhmmm. Yup. Marijuana is baaaaad so yeah." he said.  He sounded like he was talking to a little kid about not sharing food in case you had allergies or something. I laughed. 

Trust a zombie covered in blood, who was holding a gun like his life depended on it and who smelt like coffee and cigarettes to make me laugh when there were dead people on the ground. 

ugh....part one down, part 2 to go :) i really should be wearing my least part 2 in my notebook is more read-able. 

Hurrah! She was laughing again! I've always had a soft spot for this kid......she's like a little sister to me. "Hey," i asked "How'd you guys know i needed backup?" Suddenly she lept of my lap. Damn. That warm spot she made on my legs was gonna get really cold, really fast. "BB. THEY'RE AFTER YOU." 
In my defence, i did know what she was talking about but it just took my brain to process it first. When it did, i had the worst epiphany of my life. 
"That graffiti....on the walls, they...they can't kill me for that can they?" Right after saying that the little voice in my head said to me "BB, you idiot, of course they can." 

My voice was proved right 5 seconds later when Prescription told me; "Yeah, they can and will. We gotta go, NOW." 

She looked like she was either going to start crying hysterically, or falcon punch me in the face. 

This was my fault. I messed up BAD. I didn't want to spray paint her school but those voices made me. The urge became too strong. It was either that or someone was gonna die just to become my food. Even worse i told the world Zombies and Angels and Demons and everything in between existed.

It took me 2 small steps to cover the ground between us and pull her into a hug. "Cause..." i said. 
It's funny. 
She KNEW what i was about to say. 
I never called her by her real name unless there was something i really needed her to do for me, if i needed her to listen, or both. 
In this case,
"If you make me leave you guys, if you don't let me run away with you i swear I'm gonna loose it. I'm running away with you, I am NOT leaving you guys," she said firmly. She knew exactly what she was in for if she did run with us. It hurt me so badly but i knew she was serious. Damn. She wasn't gonna budge. Instead of arguing pointlessly like i knew Cake would do, i sang to her. 

"All the streets, where i walked alone,
I stumbled and fall, but i want you to know,
With everything i won't let this go,
These words are my heart and soul..."

It was Sum 41. I think she knew what i wanted to tell her: i was a 27 year old zombie, on the death row, on the run with highly trained assassins after my head.

I was still hugging her. I felt like she was my little sister and i didn't want to ever let her go because i knew, i knew 100%, that if she came with us there was a higher chance she'd die protecting me than any of the others. 

She didn't say anything. 

It scared me, but when i looked down at her face on my blood stained jacket, i knew she didn't need to say nothing. She was coming with us, no doubt about it on her little demonic, angelic and cannibalistic face.

And damn it. 
That was just the way i wanted it. 

ERGH I FINALLY FINISHED TYPING THAT OUT. I'm not a fast typer but i love writing so it's worth it. oh well, I'm off to go watch the waling dead. :) hope you enjoyed that.

- XO Mountain Goat. 

1 comment:

  1. So quick question: is BB schizophrenic? Or is he just hearing voices because it's part of being a zombie?
    Loved this chapter by the way. Awesome character development going on.
