Monday, November 26, 2012

Greetings and Bienvenue

The title is a Secret Saturdays thing. Google it, it's the best cartoon ever :) anyway this isn't gonna be a long post but a few days ago i made a Tumblr account and if you're interested, here's the link: 

i realise that my title has barely anything to do with the actual blog but i just thought it'd be a cool title. anyway, ever since i got it i've been hooked onto tumblr and i realise that i may have just made one of the worst mistakes of my life due to the fact that i'm eventually gonna get so addicted to tumblr i'll forget to eat and stuff and die. but that's just a theory :) i'm sure i won't get that hooked....but i just know i'm lying so i may as well end it here. good day readers.

- XO Mountain Goat 


  1. HAHA I should've checked here first XD
    I just put a thing in your inbox on tumblr. Screaming about your blog, asking when you got it, etc haha. And yes, it is rather addictive. I hardly get anything done because of it. But it's beautiful. And I'm following you. Glad you're assimilating muahahahahaha. ^_^

  2. Also, thank you so much for the nice comments lately! :D I appreciate them so much, they make me feel loads better. You're an awesome friend. ^_^
