Tuesday, February 5, 2013

i made a new friend today

you know that feeling where you make an impossibly awesome new friend and you feel like dancing everywhere for the rest of the day and you have the song you consider your "Theme Song" stuck in your head and in general you feel like you can just explode into a billion pieces of confetti and re-generate into a human and be all "TODAY IS SO FUCKING FABULOUS." well, that's me. today. 

basically, the rest of my school grade is on a school camp (well they came back today when the end of day bell rang) and for the past 2 days I've pretty much been forever alone in the library reading the novel "The Dewey Decimal System." 

on the first day i sat alone at recess and it didn't really bother me since there's been times in my life where i have had no friends. then at lunch time i was hungry, so i went to look for my sister since she could probably loan me some money to buy potato wedges or something from the school canteen. i didn't find her but i found her bag and attached a note saying "DUDE, I NEED MONEY, I'M HUNGRY AND YOUR FRIENDS KEEP TELLING ME YOU EXPLODED" onto it and kinda just walked around 'till i noticed her bag was missing. then i saw her not too far away and started following her until she noticed me (i was practising my stalker skills. don't ask.) 

enter Mikey.

well, that's not her real name but she likes being called that. anyway so Mikey comes up to me and Alexia and HOOOOOOLY SHIT I HAVE NEVER MET SUCH A FABULOUS PERSON. SHE OOZES FABULOUSNESS. haha. so we all start talking about random shit and i kept laughing at all the jokes Mikey was making because really, she's hilarious. and she has a boy haircut like me. and she likes all the bands i like. and she likes all the shows i like. and she likes psychology like i do. in other words, we got along like Frank Iero and Gerard Way. (me being frank since I'm shorter and less sassy/fabulous.) she swears like it's the most casual thing in the world and as weird as this may sound, her British accent makes the word fuck/fucking sound like the most poetic thing in the whole damn world. 

now, onto day 2. aka today.

as usual, i sat alone at recess since i kinda wanted to digest the mind fuck that is reading a John Green novel. and as usual i hung out in the library the whole day and didn't really bother going to my assigned classes. (i literally went into the deputy's office and said "Ms.W can i just go sit in the library for the whole day like i did yesterday?" and she said yes, hooray!) at lunchtime i kinda walked out really slowly since i was thinking "sigh, another lunchtime alone" and i really wanted to sit with someone when i bumped into Mikey. as is her greeting, she said "Hello little motherfucker" (not in a mean way, it's just her style of talking) and we were both like "well, i got nowhere to go" so we started walking towards the little table i normally sit at with my friends and had lunch there. pretty much 40% of our lunchtime was spent talking about Fall Out Boy and how they're off hiatus. then she told me she had tickets to a Blink 182 soundwave sideshow. i died, i swear i did. Ha. so we ended up high-fiving each other a lot and then she said something that did my head in.

she absolutely hates physical contact with anyone. 

which made me feel so honoured that she'd want to high-five me, really, it did. anyway, so the bell rang and we kinda ignored it for 5 minutes when i pulled out my copy of The Umbrella Academy that i always carry around with me. i ended up lending it to her and on the way to her class (i didn't really feel like going to the library yet so i decided to walk with her to class) i brought up Tumblr and she told me she had 5 blogs. when i asked for her URL she said no and i pretty much started begging her for it in the middle of the hallway. then she said "I'll give you my URLs if you find me a girlfriend" and i started laughing so hard because we both knew i wasn't about to go up to random people and be all "hey can you date my friend so i can get her tumblr URL? thanks." I'm not that confident in myself. and anyway i wasn't about to become a wingman for anyone. unless i owed Mikey the ultimate solid, then yes, maybe i would do that.

hah. anyway. i hope my friends don't take it personally if i start sitting with Mikey at lunchtime. oh well, I'll see how the laughter-fueled ride goes along.

XOXO - Renee 

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