Saturday, February 9, 2013

i pinky promise i won't, but just hear me out

what if i just stood on the edge of the window and let myself fall? would i spread wings?
is it possible that i do actually have wings but because i've never been in danger of dying they haven't "Activated" yet?
what if, when i fall, a pair of giant black wings come out of my back, tear my school dress up a little but take me higher?
but what would happen when i fall?
i live on the second storey of a unit block and there's concrete underneath every balcony/window ledge. if i fell head first would my skull crack open and kill me?
but if i did fly, i'd be free from the horrors of the world. all the bad things happen on the ground. if i had wings i could go where no-one could touch me.
i could fly up to space and die of asphyxiation and fall to earth and let everyone else wonder whether angels exist. and wonder whether i was a good angel or a bad angel.
i can get away from all the gun massacres and rapists and murderers and fly forever.
if i had to stop i'd stop where no-one could find me.
no-one would try and look for me.
i'd be so fucking free.

**next morning**

welp, when it's a Friday night and i'm sleep deprived and can't think straight, i feel like jumping out a window. that's nice to know.
i don't really have much to say now other than i have to go freaking dress shopping again, this time with my dad who's viewpoint on things is "if it fits and you like it, take it. you're the one who's gonna be wearing the dress, not your mum." he has a point, as you can see.
i also need to go buy some new guitar picks. i was playing Brick by Boring Brick last night on guitar and it sounded horrible because my current pick is really worn down at the point. ugh.

anyway enjoy the rest of the day. i think it's gonna be around 30 Celsius today (90 Fahrenheit) so you're not gonna up and die if you go outside today. which is a nice thought.

XOXO - Renee 

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