Tuesday, February 19, 2013

something in here smells like blood

there's 3 possible reasons for that
  1. my hands are bleeding under my bandages
  2. my nose is bleeding but i haven't felt anything yet
  3. the neighbour's cooking something weird and the fumes are coming into the bedroom
i'll figure out the cause of the smell later, for now, onto my post.

they played a whole bunch of songs by Linkin Park, A Perfect Circle, Bring Me The Horizon and Three Days Grace on TV a few days ago and while my mum was complaining that the music was giving her a headache i just sat there with this look on my face: 
substitute the PC for a TV and that was EXACTLY what my face looked like. 

my handwriting is, in other news, turning into graffiti. which is awesome. i figured this out when i was doing my maths homework yesterday and i looked back on my work and though ".......i have to stop staring at the tags near home." which is partially true and partially not true because i pride myself in being able to read the tags other people can't. 

in a completely unrelated note to any previously said things, i was getting changed out of my PE uniform in a toilet cubicle at school the other day and i heard some people screaming over something in another toilet cubicle. when i pulled my normal uniform on and went outside, i asked this one girl named Lucy why everyone was screaming and all she told me was "look in there" before the period 6 bell rang and she had to run to class. anyway, getting to the point, i looked in the toilet cubicle she was pointing at and there was this used pad pretty much covered in blood just lying on the floor and.....there was a sanitary bin in the cubicle itself so on the way to my next class all i could think of was the germs and that girl who uploaded a video of herself sucking the blood out of her own used tampon on Youtube. 

bah. taking a day off school tomorrow. tomorrow's the swimming carnival and we need to pay $12 just to get there but the thing is, it lasts the whole day and i'm not gonna be competing. kinda a waste of money. my mum agrees with me so i can stay up late today. 

on a final note since i want to get to bed early today (i'm tired. sue me.) here is a really bad quality black and white photo of myself. 
heh.....it looks like my eyes are closed. i was playing guitar though (I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace to be more specific) and i just took that picture of myself in my "natural habitat." plus my hair is curly....i normally have it straight but it looks fine so i'm not complaining. 
PS i'm in my dad's room so that's why there's a whole bunch of random crap in the background. 

nighty-night little bats. 
XOXO - Renee. 

1 comment:

  1. hopefully your hands are getting better!
    omg that's awesome, it's so rare that good music is on tv. luckyyyyy.
    graffiti handwriting, that's amazing! i wish i had cool handwriting.
    ew....i started to watch that video of her eating the tampon but i was so ready to gag, i couldn't finish it. who even does that?
    awwww lookit how pretty you are! omg you're gorgeous! sorry haha hopefully that didn't sound too creepy. ^_^ you have a good day y'all.
