Sunday, March 3, 2013

I went to a wedding yesterday :D

the wedding was between the son of my mum's best friend (Diego) and a really nice lady named Miljana. (I'm  70% sure that's how you spell her name but it's pronounced mill-yah-na.) I took around a bazillion pictures of the ceremony on my phone but since I haven't asked permission or anything I'm not gonna upload them here or anything. it's a matter of respect and privacy. 

anyway, yesterday morning was actually pretty hectic at my place, what with everyone taking showers and making themselves look nice and whatever, and we ended up getting to the venue 15 minutes late. it was OK though because Miljana's limo driver got lost and the bridesmaids and the bride herself was 30 minutes late so as far as everyone else is concerned, we were there on time....

one of the bridesmaids was my friend Jacqueline (aka Jake, aka Diego's little sister) and I have to say, as much as she hated (kinda hated anyway) the salmon pink dress she was in, she looked absolutely gorgeous. and I don't say that a lot. Miljana looked like an absolute princess, god she looked stunning in her wedding dress, and Diego looked no more than 18 or 19 which was amazing since I'm pretty sure he's in his mid - late 20s. I had a bit of lipstick, blush and eye liner on and so did my sister and at the risk of sounding vain, we looked really good :D the ceremony didn't actually take long which was nice since I have a short-ish attention span, but it was kinda funny as well. at one part when the priest said the whole "Miljana, love for you is Diego yes? he does not envy, he is patient, he is not jealous, he is kind and he is not proud?" she nodded her head "yes" to every single one of them, but when the priest got to "proud," she made a 5 second delay before nodding yes. trust me, you had to be there to understand the hilarity of it. 

when the actual ceremony was over and everyone was going outside, I saw a picture of the Pope and said kinda loudly "IF HE CAN GIVE UP THEN SO CAN I" and at least 5 people behind me started laughing. my mum looked horrified but no-one complained or anything so I was OK. I actually didn't know anyone there other than Karina, (groom's mum aka my mum's best friend) Osvaldo (grooms dad aka my dad's good friend) Jake, Diego, and Leo (groom's brother, Jake's brother and "the big guy" according to 5 year old me) so it was a tiny bit awkward. but when I found Jake and we started talking, everything felt fine. 

the photography people started taking pictures of Diego and Miljana and the bridesmaids and groomsmen and all those people, and at one point they were like "OK, we want all 120 of you to be in one big picture" so i got to be in one of the wedding photos :D the whole thing was actually pretty cool but then it started raining so we all had to leave. we didn't get soaked or anything and only my blush washed away, (but I didn't really care about my make-up anyway so...) then we all realised there was 2 and a half hours until the reception and we lived an hour away so there was no point in going home. we basically had no-where to go.

when we all piled into the car, dad started driving around and I was playing with my phone so i didn't really see where we were going until dad yelled out SULLIVAN!!! and parked the car in front of a whole bunch of houses. it turns out that dad's best, BEST friend was home and we stopped by for a few hours to chat. 

the thing is, Sullivan travels to a place called Cypress with his family and they alternate between Cypress and Australia a lot so dad never really knows when they're home or not. they lost contact awhile ago when Sullivan had to change his mobile number and he didn't have dad's number anyway so it kinda just....stopped. but they were both ecstatic when they had their accidental reunion yesterday.

Sullivan's wife Lynda was really nice, and they offered me, mum and my sister coffee but I said no on the basis of "mum thinks coffee will stun my growth." that got a big laugh out of Sullivan and Lynda before Sullivan explained that their son John (I think that was his name anyway) had been drinking coffee since he was 5 and it didn't stun his growth. in the end mum let us drink weak-ish coffee and I swear, it was like drinking angels in a cup or something. that coffee was AMAZING. dad and Sullivan started talking, so did mum and Lynda, but it wasn't really boring for me and my sister since the atmosphere was all relaxed and comfortable. I only started paying attention to dad and Sullivan's conversation when I heard my dad say "my little girl can sing and play guitar too! how long has your son been playing?" 

my only thought at that moment was "dad, what have you DONE?!" because normally when dad gets into this topic he goes on and on and ON but thankfully, for once, he was more interested in John's guitar playing than mine. Sullivan and Lynda and dad (well, mainly Sullivan but meh) started making tiny jokes like "we have to get those 2 to go busking together one day!" and stuff like that and I was fine with that until John came back from wherever the hell he was before. my mindset changed from "ha ha, nice joke" to "oh dear god please shut up" in a heartbeat. 

now, don't get me wrong. I don't mind playing and singing for people if there's no real pressure on me, and I don't mind it when my dad tells his friends I can play guitar and sing, but (I'm not even joking here) as soon as John walked in through his front door, dad and Sullivan both pointed at me and said "she plays guitar." at the same time. and I didn't even get to say hello at that point. and he got no warning that we were there, it was literally him coming home to a houseful of strangers, having his dad point to someone he didn't know and telling him that the person on the couch played guitar as well. 

anyway I said hi to him and he gave me a hug and we started talking about a whole bunch of music-related stuff. turns out he scored tickets to soundwave and he liked bands like Sleeping With Sirens, All Time Low, Blink 182 and Paramore. he was actually pretty cool and we talked and played guitar for around 40 minutes before my family and I had to leave for the wedding reception. 

oh well. 
this is post is actually getting kinda long and I need to go do some grocery shopping anyway so I might end this here and post about the reception sometime later. 

- XO Renee 

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