Thursday, March 28, 2013

i think it's bullshit that, in this day and age, a gang member is more likely to keep his promise than a businessman

to explain the title, a few hours ago i was watching this documentary about gangs and how they operate, and in this specific episode, they were talking about the 18th Street Gang. to be more specific, they were talking about their operations in El Salvador.

now, something i don't mention is that i'm actually Salvadorian/Australian so this actually caught my interest until the end of the episode.

basically, i saw all these people, all in this over-crowded jail in El Salvador, pretty much all in there for murder, closer than a family.
looking out for each other.
fully grown, over-tattooed men comforting each other when one cried over the fact that he may never get to see his little girl, ever, because he has a life sentencing.
some cutting another's hair for basically nothing and sharing the food because one got his stolen from another.

i realise i'm pretty much making murderers, drug dealers and rapists sound like harmless people and i understand that they're all insanely fucked up, but what i'm trying to say is, how often do you see people who are supposedly too tough to cry being comforted by another? hugging, back-patting and sympathising, all in jail for hideous crimes, when in a 1st world country like Australia or America, a teenage boy is labelled as "gay" or "a faggot" for crying if his girlfriend dumps him?

another thing is, even though the reporter was an ex-gang member, and supposedly he knew how to behave around dangerous gang members, everytime he'd slip up even a little the gang member that was with him would always try his hardest to warn him not to ask a specific question and basically protect him. eurgh.

another thing that pissed me off, is that this one dude named Shorty or something who was basically the big whopper of a cheese wedge in that jail said something along the lines of "A Gang Member Is More Likely To Keep His Promise Than A Businessman On The Street."
a MURDERER is more likely to fulfil, and come through with a promise than someone who is supposedly supposed know what, this whole thing is bullshit, i'm getting pissed and i think one of my friend think i'm suicidal because of something she accidentally heard when i passed her on my way to class so i'm pissed, you're pissed, whoop-de-fucking-do this world revolves around anger.

welcome to the 21st century.

XO: a message from MRV. 

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