Wednesday, April 24, 2013

my views on the media (aka ANOTHER FUCKING RANT ON SOCIETY.)

so i was messing around on tumblr awhile ago, and i saw this gif-set of Marilyn Manson talking about the media and such after the Columbine High School Massacre. basically, for some fucked up reason, they blamed him for the shootings but getting to the point, he said something in an interview about the media and i just wish more people listened to what he had to say instead of dismissing him as "satanic, evil, violent" ect ect. what he said was:
"When you have things like Columbine, and you have these kids that are angry, 
and they have something to say but no one's listening,
the media sends a message that "if you do something loud enough, and it gets our attention,
then you will be famous for it."
Those kids ended up on the cover of TIME magazine, 
the media gave them exactly what they wanted.
That's why i never did any interviews when that happened, 
when i was getting blamed for it, because i felt that i would be contributing
to what i found to be reprehensible."

although i have to admit that he sort of resembled Randall from Monster's Inc when he said that, what he was saying was exactly true.
pardon me using this as an example, but everyday people are jumping off bridges, hanging themselves, women and children are being raped, people are dying from bombs and the like, and no one gives a fuck unless it's plastered all over the media. they all end up having their 5 minutes of fame, people feel sympathy for the great wrong that's been dealt to them, but then they move on in a matter of weeks. the ones who are sympathetic for those few weeks, they worship the very ground the ones who were dealt a wrong hand walk on but then they find some other sad story to sink their teeth into and use as an excuse to act like the most fucking caring person in the world.
it's bullshit.
why don't we report on every suicide, every rape, every bombing? what happened in Boston happens to people living in the middle east EVERY SINGLE DAY but no-one cares because their excuse is "oh, they're Muslim, they're all evil and they deserve it." these people claim not to be racist but for some reason think that's a perfect excuse for every bad thing that happens.
ironically, last night when i was trying to ignore all the voices in my head, i realised all the suicides that are reported on are pretty skinny teenagers who felt the need to announce their suicide to the world before they decided to go. even in death, i realised, people only care for the ones with a pretty face.
what ever happened to reporting on the poor old farmer, who, after loosing his wife to breast cancer and his only son to war, decided to drink his misery away and one day decided "ok, this is enough" and was found a week later hanging from his barn rafters?
i remember hearing a story like that on the news, when i was a kid, but looking back on that the thing that disgusts me is that the only reason why his suicide was talked about was because some nephew and niece or cousin or whatever were in court arguing over who's right it was to have the land since he didn't write up a will. no one gave a fuck that he was gone. it was all "oh yeah the dude who owned this land killed himself but THE REAL STORY IS WHO WILL GET OWNERSHIP OF THE LAND STAY TUNED BECAUSE WE HAVE UP TO THE MINUTE STATS ON WHAT'S HAPPENING OH AND DID I MENTION THAT THE NIECE OR NEPHEW OR COUSIN OR WHATEVER IS BEST FRIENDS WITH SOME CELEBRITY WE HEARD OF ONCE IN SOME REALITY TV SHOW THAT'S LONG GONE?
ok, i know i'm really exaggerating with that stuff in capitals but still, that's pretty much all they were reporting on at that point.
fucking pathetic.
people are starving no food, shelter whatever and people are always saying "oh, those poor people, i'd donate money if i could but i'm short of cash." then, as soon as iphone number 453653 comes out, with 0.005cm of a bigger screen than the last model released, they magically have $450 to buy the new phone for the sake of looking trendy. or in touch with time or whatever. they don't even have the decency to throw in a buck or 2 into the old Salvo's tin out on the street because they don't want to look at the dude or lady minding the tin just incase they try and strike up conversation.
oh, that would just be HORRIBLE wouldn't it!
to talk to a complete STRANGER who's collecting money for HOMELESS PEOPLE!

fack, this is pretty much a rant on society. again.
although i do wish for a time, a time that i can hardly remember mind you, where teenagers dressed in coats and jeans and stuff and kicked at the crunchy leaves in Autumn and thought little kids were adorable, instead of the half naked, overly-made up girls, and try-hard macho boys who try and act like men we have now. god i want them back.
teenagers used to go into the shopping centres to grab a hot chocolate and ACTUALLY SHOP but now they just go there to judge other people, act like they're better than other people and hang out and do nothing.
when i was little (well, here's me sounding old again but bear with me) i remember once my mum was inside this store looking at shirts and stuff and i was waiting outside and this group of teenagers came up to me. being no more than 5 at the time i was petrified, but instead of hassling me like i have legitimately seen some teenagers of today do to toddlers, they were all like "oh god this one's adorable!" and "awww her hair is just the curliest thing."
now they just suck.
i used to wanna be a teenager, the kind where i could just go out in a non-branded T-shirt from Targets, and jeans from an Op shop, and believe you me i can still do that if i wanted to, but my mum unknowingly raised me to care what other people thought of me.
and that leads me to today: pretty much a teenager, half-fearing her own age group of people, wearing branded clothing and having branded things for the sake of not being judged. Asics shoes, Black Friday jacket, Volcom backpack, Country Road shirt and pants from somewhere i forgot.
eurgh, i admit that the jacket and pants were bought purely for the fact that i thought they looked awesome, but even i disgust myself as to how hypocritical i sound in this post.
ok now i'm gonna brush my teeth, drink some tea and go to sleep.
maybe i'll cool down a little.
goodnight all,
XO - Renee.

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