Sunday, May 5, 2013

"Half-dead-misery" = the URL of my 2nd tumblr blog AND MY FUCKING MOOD RIGHT NOW.

but since 100% of the general population of earth all metaphorically decided to take a big step forward to leave me behind, watching their fucking backs i guess i won't even bother saying how i fucking FEEL right now.

so i leave you with the chapter 8 i wrote months ago and never got around to publishing

Prescript's POV 

we hit the road after that. 
god knows where we were going but we just needed to get far away from there. 
i took a deep breath and punched my helmet vistor up for a few seconds of air. 
this was insane. 
we were running away from a government of who could just easily kill us with gravity, or our own internal organs for pete's sake. 
on a positive note at least i had friend on the inside. 
otherwise we'd all be dead by now. 

BB rode up beside me and pulled his own vistor up to talk to me. "So we're heading where?" he asked. 
i looked at the road for a few seconds before replying; "Broken Hill if we get separated. For now, i'm aiming for no sleep 'till Brisbane." 
i wasn't even looking at him, but out of the corner of my eye i could see BB swerve his bike in shock. 
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" he screamed above the noise of the highway. 
i knew what he was thinking though. i was aiming for a 2 day road trip with no food, rest or sleep whatsoever. i sighed because even i knew how wrong it sounded. 
"are you forgetting about Andy?" he added. 
"he's not LIKE us. we're hybrid and he's human. he can't store energy, he can't go days without food or water, and if he doesn't sleep he'll fall off Cake's motorbike and die or something." 

oh yeah. part of me forgot about that. the government also wanted him dead as well didn't they....dammit everything just got weirder.

a car behind BB blasted its horn and BB overtook me to ride in my lane.
suddenly, a huge realisation overcame me.
"BB why the fuck am i the one pulling the strings anyway?!" at first i thought he didn't hear me, but then i remembered his acute hearing and heard his reply.
"because out of all of us, you're the least likely to propose a stupid idea" he said. he came up to ride beside me when he said that.
"good point, but not good enough. next reason?" i asked. 

just this morning, i was getting ready to waste 6.5 hours of my life at school. the next thing i know i'm a wanted fugitive on a death warrant that was sentenced by a government 95% of the human race didn't know existed. 
over what? 
graffiti made with blood, that's what.

what the hell have i gotten myself into?

i overtook BB and sped ahead a little to have some time to think. next thing i know, Cake's riding beside me. 
he asked the same questions as BB, got the same answers, i saw the same reactions, i asked again, "why me?" got an almost identical answer, but this time i lost it. 

"Fuck all of this i'm 13 fucking years old or god's sake" i screamed to Cake. 
"Why am i the one with the shitload of responsibility?" he was about to reply but i cut him off.
"you're my brother" i pleaded. 
"you're supposed to be protecting me, not the other way around." 

i revved the engine of my motorbike and started overtaking as many cars/trucks/whatever as i could to get away from them.

to get away from all of them.

i didn't really realise i was crying until my vision got cloudy, to be honest. the only thing that was going through my head was that from up above, it must've looked like i was dancing between the lanes of the highway.
it was a nice thought.
i kept going, keeping my line of vision fixed on the road until i saw Cake's motorbike to my right, just out of the corner of my eye. 
i was about to keep going, but something made me pull over.

Cake was gone and i couldn't see BB.
only Andy was on the bike.

if you need me i'll be procrastinating death and biting bits off my hands.

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