Monday, May 6, 2013

me is freezing, but as usual, too lazy to grab a jacket.

oh wait i also have homework.
come on -_-

anyway, like any normal week B monday, we had language class to finish off the day. 
oh JOY. 
when i tell people the magnitude of my hatred towards learning French they don't get it and i just...the teacher sucks and my class is no better. we don't even learn fucking french, our teacher just writes stuff on the board and tells us to copy it into our books. then we get TESTS on the stuff. 
today as SOON as the bell rang we all ran like usain bolt out of class and i blasted "Bulletproof Love" through my earphones to make me happy again. sometimes i feel like tracking certain people down and screaming at them "MY LOVE FOR YOU WAS BULLETPROOF BUT YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SHOT ME." 
oh well. 

so i notice that i'm getting a little paranoid over whether there's people behind me when i type, so i've gotten to the habit of typing around 30% of my posts while looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody's there. odd, but pretty damned effective. 

we had art today and i got a bit more of my work done. we were supposed to be painting this abstract-like portrait of the route from out place to school and thank god i don't live too far away because some girl lived over near West Pymble so drawing all the roads and houses on her canvas must've been pure hell. 

oh, and speaking of pymble, i'd murder to get into PLC. not sure why but i've developed a sudden love of that school. and if you wanna know why, please just google the damn school, it's like going to the heaven of all schools or something. if i had been stuffed to do the scholarship like my friend Jenny did, i'd have probably gotten in but yeah, read the first part of that sentence. 
the other way i could get in is to pay the $25 thousand a year fee to go there but lol no. 
we're not rich. 

i was wasting time drawing comics or something and i drew this little person: (if you are a frequent reader of my blog, you should know who this is based on my last post.)

i would like to point out that any weird faded drawings you see behind her head was my attempt to draw a giant leech with razor sharp teeth destroying my school. yeah. don't ask.

uh...ok i may just leave it here before i deem that drawing crap quality and delete it. 

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